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It's here, I just released my YouTube channel!

I believe all working mothers should be able to enjoy motherhood and find fulfilment in work. I think that they all deserve to live without constant stress. I believe they should all get the support they need from their husbands and employers. But in reality, often that is not the case. So I created a YouTube channel to be able to reach out to even more working mothers and I talk about the biggest struggles and challenges they experience in their day-to-day life and share strategies and tools so that they can create a life that allows them to thrive both at work and at home. Subscribe to my channel so that you don't miss any videos!

I already released two videos. In the first one, I talk about Motherhood's trap - how most of these mothers have what they always wanted, the family, the job, the house, and still, they can't seem to enjoy it due to the huge workload at work and at home and being overwhelmed and stressed out. I share 3 tips to overcome motherhood's trap. Check out the video here and let me know in the comments which tip you find useful!

In the second video, I am talking about one of the biggest struggles - how to involve more husbands in household chores and kids-related tasks. As having more time would solve a lot of issues and would allow mothers to focus on their well-being, I believe this is a key milestone in creating a serene life for working mothers. I share 5 steps that can guide you on this process to involve your husband and have a more equal share of the workload. Check out the video here and tell me how it went for you in the comments!

Finally, feel free to join my free Facebook community where we share in a secure and intimate environment the ups and downs of working mothers and support each other with everyday struggles.

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